
FinishedFrom June 14 to August 16 2023


FinishedFrom June 14 to August 16 2023


FinishedFrom June 14 to August 16 2023


FinishedFrom June 14 to August 16 2023


FinishedFrom June 14 to August 16 2023


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From June 14 to August 16 2023

Woman, man, non-binary, transgender, in a relationship, married, single, short, tall: we tend to want to put people in boxes to make it easier for us to understand our society. However, many people fit either into several or none of these descriptions, and that's the beauty of diversity. The IDENTITY competition, in partnership with the Bucharest photo festival, gives you the chance to illustrate these descriptions, to illustrate people around you or significant encounters, bearing witness to people's uniqueness. So grab your cameras and express yourself!

The competition is organised in partnership with Bucharest Photofest, which aims to bring to public attention some of the most important, recent and relevant landmarks in photography, both locally and internationally. The winners from the jury and the public will have their photographs exhibited at the festival.

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Prizes to win

1st prize of the jury
Exhibition during the 8th edition of Bucharest Photofest + event tickets on winner choice (conference /master class etc)
2nd prize of the jury
Exhibition during the 8th edition of Bucharest Photofest + event tickets on winner choice (conference /master class etc)
3rd prize of the jury
Exhibition during the 8th edition of Bucharest Photofest + event tickets on winner choice (conference /master class etc)
1st prize of the wipplayers
Events tickets on winner choice (conference /master class etc)
2nd prize of the wipplayers
Events tickets on winner choice (conference /master class etc)
3rd prize of the wipplayers
Events tickets on winner choice (conference /master class etc)

FinishedFrom June 14 to August 16 2023

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