Before 1971, I was a photographer (NYIP) and a Press photographer for Actualité Suisse Lausanne.(ASL). This activity financed my degree in Economy. I moved into finance. I remained an active "amateur" photographer and was nominated AFIAP and Swiss ASPA diploma. After 1992, I moved to Geneva and was overloaded with "normal bread and butter" activities in the banking and computer science world. Since 2010, I am retired and back in the world of photography for pure pleasure.
En savoir plus
Before 1971, I was a photographer (NYIP) and a Press photographer for Actualité Suisse Lausanne.(ASL). This activity financed my degree in Economy. I moved into finance. I remained an active "amateur" photographer and was nominated AFIAP and Swiss ASPA diploma. After 1992, I moved to Geneva and was overloaded with "normal bread and butter" activities in the banking and computer science world. Since 2010, I am retired and back in the world of photography for pure pleasure.
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