About me
HI , Welcome to my web site. I a young men of 21 years old. I reside at south France near of Narbonne.

Small, I quickly interest to the computer and the whole universe who turns round and more particularly a video games, I sink my crazy for the art come there has also.

I appreciative to all form of art’s that whether gestual with dance or theater, speak as music, poetry, but I think I prefer the most is the art of image, a cinema, a painting, a makeup and photography of course.

About my work

When I started the photo it was more by passion and curiosity, by pleasure

I did not thought it day I would do my work, a friend, also a photographer and taught me the basic, how to set my camera, how to build an image. I do not think if that time he thought I wanted to go as far in this art, and I, for that matter. I started by shot landscape and plant, but soon I realized that it was not enough for me. So I got logically launched at portrait. And particularly in the female portrait. Not by natural attraction of man to woman, but for me the woman probably are the most beautiful thing on earth. The female body is made of curve. And it is, for me, the curve ally with a look, a expression that make us feel so many things.
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