Mathys Haddouche (b. 1997) is an aspiring photographer based in Belgium. He discovered the art of photography in 2018 where he finally bought his first camera. It was for him a way to express himself visually where verbally he could not. Since that moment, this passion has taken a very important and precious part in his life. Inspired by cinema, iconic photographers and his past experiences, Mathys attempts through a very deep and personal photography to approach common everyday scenes in an abstract way and create a narrative for the viewers. @mathyshdc
En savoir plus
Mathys Haddouche (b. 1997) is an aspiring photographer based in Belgium. He discovered the art of photography in 2018 where he finally bought his first camera. It was for him a way to express himself visually where verbally he could not. Since that moment, this passion has taken a very important and precious part in his life. Inspired by cinema, iconic photographers and his past experiences, Mathys attempts through a very deep and personal photography to approach common everyday scenes in an abstract way and create a narrative for the viewers. @mathyshdc
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