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This is (just a small part) of my long term series about my daughter which comes with the (working) title 'fierce-fragile'. She recently turned 20. I started this series when she was at the age of 6, and have photographed her and her environment since. I try to reflect on the way she is living her life and struggling with her own difficulties. Also the series is about me, a mother of only one child, who would like to deliver a strong girl to the world when she grows older. And it is about her father, my ex partner, who decided to leave this life by suicide when she was 15. Her world, to me, is full of unexpected roads. I know 'protecting' her sometimes is a hindrance, a veil from which I sometimes need to take distance and see her also growing up as the strong girl she is already. I feel that when I use metaphors in this story, I am able to approach this theme a little softer. There are also a few photographs of unknown lonely males in this series. Until a few weeks I did not know why I photographed them, until I started thinking that I am still looking for her father in other persons. As I obviously did not know what kind of person he was or was going to be if he still was alive. It is a very large on-going series in which I do not know exactly the direction yet, but it will be there as soon as it needs to. The photographs are taken with different media, from analogue to 120 format to digital and mobile phone. Also I am including some drawings artworks my daughter created for which I am so proud as I think she has quite the talent to express her emotions by drawing..the artworks will be photographed in a professional way soon. I am almost finished with finalising and have talked with SYB (book designer) about creating a photobook for this series. Mascha