Narratives of Uncertainty


Narratives of Uncertainty

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  • hunitoth

    A village can be defined in several ways. It can be an agricultural place, a form of settlement smaller than a town, a place with limited autonomy, or even a geographical term, but perhaps what most distinguishes them from towns and other forms of settlement is the tight-knit community, shared history, cultural tradition and a deep sense of identity. In rural families, older generations passed on knowledge of farming, agriculture and other rural activities to younger generations. This tradition involved not only passing on professional knowledge, but also passing on community values, village life and local culture. Today, this hereditary process is completely questionable and subversive. My generation is the first to occupy a decisive place in the outcome of this changing hereditary process. In my ongoing project I am exploring how different generations relate to each other in this period of change, and I am looking for answers to the question of what exactly village, village identity and place (home) means to my generation.



Miercurea Ciuc, Harghita, Romania

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