.Passionné de photographie depuis de longues années, mon parcours a débuté dans l'audiovisuel en tant que cadreur pour se poursuivre naturellement dans la photographie. J'ai décidé de développer une auto-entreprise dans une activité professionnelle artistique afin de la mettre au service des particuliers et des entreprises. Je n'aime pas les clichés. Je cherche l'originalité, la spontanéité, et lorsque l'occasion s'y prête, le challenge technique dans la prise de vue autant que dans le choix de nombreux autres critères. Certains disent que le matériel ne fait pas le photographe, ce qui selon moi est tout à fait vrai. Une photo qui vous "scotch", c'est d'abord être au bon endroit au bon moment et finalement savoir saisir l'action présente en déclenchant au bon moment avec le bon cadrage.
Keen photographer for many years, my career started in television as a cameraman to continue course in photography. I decided to develop a self-organization in a professional artistic activity in order to bring services to individuals and businesses. I do not like clichés. I am looking for originality, spontaneity, and when the opportunity arises, the technical challenge in shooting as much as in the choice of many other criteria. Some say the material is not a photographer, which I think is quite true. A photo that you "tape", is first in the right place at the right time and finally to seize the present action by triggering at the right time with the right framing. www.flickr.com/photos/stwayne/ En savoir plus
Keen photographer for many years, my career started in television as a cameraman to continue course in photography. I decided to develop a self-organization in a professional artistic activity in order to bring services to individuals and businesses. I do not like clichés. I am looking for originality, spontaneity, and when the opportunity arises, the technical challenge in shooting as much as in the choice of many other criteria. Some say the material is not a photographer, which I think is quite true. A photo that you "tape", is first in the right place at the right time and finally to seize the present action by triggering at the right time with the right framing. www.flickr.com/photos/stwayne/ En savoir plus
0 Abonné - 0 Abonnement
Canon EOS 7D
0 Prix - 0 Coups de cœur
.Passionné de photographie depuis de longues années, mon parcours a débuté dans l'audiovisuel en tant que cadreur pour se poursuivre naturellement dans la photographie. J'ai décidé de développer une auto-entreprise dans une activité professionnelle artistique afin de la mettre au service des particuliers et des entreprises. Je n'aime pas les clichés. Je cherche l'originalité, la spontanéité, et lorsque l'occasion s'y prête, le challenge technique dans la prise de vue autant que dans le choix de nombreux autres critères. Certains disent que le matériel ne fait pas le photographe, ce qui selon moi est tout à fait vrai. Une photo qui vous "scotch", c'est d'abord être au bon endroit au bon moment et finalement savoir saisir l'action présente en déclenchant au bon moment avec le bon cadrage.
Keen photographer for many years, my career started in television as a cameraman to continue course in photography. I decided to develop a self-organization in a professional artistic activity in order to bring services to individuals and businesses. I do not like clichés. I am looking for originality, spontaneity, and when the opportunity arises, the technical challenge in shooting as much as in the choice of many other criteria. Some say the material is not a photographer, which I think is quite true. A photo that you "tape", is first in the right place at the right time and finally to seize the present action by triggering at the right time with the right framing. www.flickr.com/photos/stwayne/
Keen photographer for many years, my career started in television as a cameraman to continue course in photography. I decided to develop a self-organization in a professional artistic activity in order to bring services to individuals and businesses. I do not like clichés. I am looking for originality, spontaneity, and when the opportunity arises, the technical challenge in shooting as much as in the choice of many other criteria. Some say the material is not a photographer, which I think is quite true. A photo that you "tape", is first in the right place at the right time and finally to seize the present action by triggering at the right time with the right framing. www.flickr.com/photos/stwayne/