Working Conditions During Covid-19.jpg

Shubhodeep Roy

Working Conditions During Covid-19.jpg

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  • Shubhodeep Roy

    According to me, heroism does not always mean an act of bravery. Heroism is also staying strong during the harsh strong times and taking care of all his responsibilities. I have tried to tell the story of a factory worker who was recalling his horrendous experience during the Covid-19 lockdown in Kolkata. I don't even know his name, I just saw this man working so hard, in those harsh conditions, the area was suffocating but still, he was wearing a mask, sometimes he was also removing it as he having fatigue, still he was working to look after his family. NOt everyone in this world is fortunate enough to get a decent workplace and a sophisticated working environment. There are some people in this world like this unknown man too, those people are working every day just to take care of all their responsibilities even by risking their lives too.



Kolkata, West Bengal, India

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