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The world we live in contains very limited resources which is rapidly depleting as the demand for such resources continues to grow. The depletion of such resources are creating more problems for humanity to solve which includes Global Warming and Climate Change the effects of whom may threaten humanity and wildlife. The effects of Global Warming and Climate Change such as prolonged droughts, extinction of many animal species, rising sea levels, stronger hurricanes, emergence of some diseases, etc. We, as humans have the greatest capacity to slow down or reverse the effects of Global Warming and Climate Change so it is our duty to take good care of our environment. We have gone very far in our efforts, from simple reforestation to inventing alternative and environment-friendly sources of energy. We should be responsible for the health of our planet and we should stand together and do our best to contribute no matter how big or small to combat the growing problem of Global Warming and Climate Change and its effects, and to make this world a better place to live. This banknote is meant to share biodiversity that the Philippines has to offer as well as advocating for the protection and preservation of the environment to maintain a greener world. A greener world would protect the habitats of the animals being featured in this note. Once the habitat of these animals are protected, it would eventually result to the rise of their population and prevent their extinction.