l'amour gagne chaque jour

Jessica Daza Gómez

l'amour gagne chaque jour

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  • Jessica Daza Gómez

    In the cobblestone labyrinth of Paris, where history whispers through every crevice, I stumbled upon a hidden corner adorned with a simple yet profound message: "Love wins every day." The graffiti, painted in bold, sweeping strokes, seemed to pulse with life, as if the very walls had a heartbeat synchronized with the city's timeless rhythm. As I stood before this vibrant declaration, the world around me melted into a blur, leaving only the words and the emotions they evoked. The graffiti wasn't just paint on a wall; it was a beacon of hope, a testament to the resilience of the human spirit. Each letter seemed to carry a story, a fragment of countless lives intertwined by the invisible threads of love.



París, Francia

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