L'ancienne chapelle du CHU 4

Jean-Baptiste B.

L'ancienne chapelle du CHU 4

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  • Jean-Baptiste B.

    A series done through the years. For the shots made with a DSLR (a Nikon D3200), I used a Tokina SZ-X 80-200mm manual lens. I can tell how hard it was to stabilise the camera and compose the image managing the lens aperture. As back on these years (from 2018 to 2019) I hadn't any tripod. Then, the few other pictures made with a little digital camera (a Lumix TZ57) I just had to use the zoom. However the quality isn't the same. For the first pictures, made with the DSLR, I waited maybe 1 or 2 years after my arrival in Angers, to do the shot I (almost) wanted. I think to do that image of the sun enlightening the old church during months. So I was glad to get close to what I wanted.



Angers, Maine-et-Loire, France

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