Y Generation
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  • Jean-Baptiste B.

    New technology allows us to do many things, like calling and seeing one person you like when he/she is on the streets of his/her own city. This shot was made in 2018, when I was closed to Afifah an Indonesian young woman who works and live in Jakarta. She and I now both follow different ways. However, by doing this image I wanted to question the place of tech on our lives. I still continue this series times to time while contacting some friends who are around the world. Nonetheless, new techs can also give us regrets, as we can't "really" see the person and touch or kiss him/her. Video-calls can be useful to maintain contact or do for a pro meeting, but they would never replace real contacts. The situation showed on the Spike Jonze movie, Her, 2013, on which a guy is talking to a OS (even not a software) called "Samatha" in 2025 is pretty close many other situations on our current world... Taken with a made in Thailand Nikon D320, a Korean (made somewhere in Asia too) screen throughout a made in China mobile and via a North American software. A picture which also interrogates the place of globalization on our world.



Jakarta, Indonesia

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