Natasha playing in the streets

Jean-Baptiste B.

Natasha playing in the streets

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  • Jean-Baptiste B.

    While walking in Nantes with Natasha, we noticed that a street was closed and only reserved for pedestrians. It's a street on which I don't pass by often; perhaps I never walked on before that day of August 2019. There was a street café installation's, called a "guinguette", but it wasn't opened yet as we were on the morning. Nonetheless, she noticed a hopscotch on the floor and decided to play on it, remembering her young ages. As I was holding her phone, I start doing pictures. I liked how her skirt colour and her hat fit with the site. On that day she found out her way, deciding to stop and play. This is how a street should be instead of being only a way to go from a point to another.



Nantes, Loire-Atlantique, France

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