
Fabien Fourcaud is a French photographer who documents the relation a population to its territory as well as its rapport with the landscape. His first project explored seaside resorts in the north of France during the off-season. He followed up this work with new landscapes of natural history museums and zoos across the globe and started a new project on a town in the Swedish Arctic Circle which is being relocated. Selected by Lensculture as one of the emerging photographers in 2017, Fourcaud was among others, exhibited at the Binome Gallery, the Rencontres d’Arles 2017, HVW8 Gallery in Berlin and at the 2016 International Young Photographers in Daegu, Korea. He is the author the monograph “Off Season”, published by the publishing houses Bromide Books and he is regularly published by the British Journal of Photography, Ignant, Fubiz, vice, Fisheye, Kombini, Of the Afternoon, Tages Anzeiger.



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