Foulque Macroule
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  • Colorfulens

    A most touching meeting at the end of October. I saw this little Foulque Macroule, alone on a pond, where I used to see coypu and especially ducks. Thinking he was only there for a few days, I noticed that this pond had finally become his home. After inquiring, I was told that it was a baby a year ago and that his parents had left leaving him alone at this pond. I admit that it still made me quite sad, because I saw him from afar, not integrating with the group of ducks, trying to catch fish and turning the algae in the pond, throwing them on a few meters. Sincerely, I hope he is well and I have the dreamy hope that his parents have returned to spend the winter so that he has a little more company. Otherwise, I think he is happy, the pond is shared with the ducks, just for them, so it will have a nice place to live



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