Between dreams and reality, my work as a Photographic Artist begins. Since the advent of new media, the collective imagination has become visually perceptible. This is why I started to photograph a world that brings together fiction and reality. I deeply believe that when you give enough space and pay enough attention to what you want it comes to life in the present. We understand then how the future that is imaginary becomes reality. To live with the world is to live with the image we have of it. The world of images is a unique form of transmission that has no equivalent. We must be aware of our responsibility when broadcasting, commenting and acting at a reach that brings together more humans than ever before. The image is an art. The art of peace is a philosophy and the means show us how lucky we are to be able to speak to the greatest number.
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Du 24 mars au 4 mai 2022
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Images sensorielles

Du 4 mars au 20 avril 2022
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