The bride and groom from Vevchanski karnival

Biljana Jurukovski

The bride and groom from Vevchanski karnival

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  • Biljana Jurukovski

    Vevchanski carnival that has been ongoing for centuries is an interesting mix of paganism and modernism. It is held on 13 and 14 January (on the eve of and at the first day of the New Year, according to the old orthodox calendar), or day of the Saint Vasil. The main characteristics of the carnival are archaism, secretiveness and improvisation. The sharp satire leaves nothing untouched, targeting the national leadership, politics, religion and social issues. According to its specific features, this Carnival its unique and one of a kind. There are three traditional masks: bride, groom, August the Stupid and musicians. The bride is man disguised as a woman, dressed in traditional folk clothes.



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