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  • cocoamardeil

    The one iconic object that currently defines adolescent life in the modern world is the smartphone, intrinsic to the image of today’s youth. The acquisition of an adolescent’s first smartphone is nothing short of a rite of passage; it is a ticket to another world, one where they can connect with kindred spirits, escape harsh realities and feel connected during this period of major transition. In the eyes of a generation that was only exposed to computers and the internet as adults, the intensity of the bond between teenagers and their phones can be difficult to comprehend, and even negatively perceived. However, for better or worse, the smartphone is a medium for the creation and definition of identity integral to adolescence. It is nothing short of a gateway, a key to a virtual universe that transcends their physical spaces and situations. Smartphones give adolescents the power to explore beyond the boundaries of the world around them, enabling them to expand different aspects of their identity through connections with others.



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