2_2 Disposable units. Homo sapiens, plants, one small snail
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  • Giorgio Pattarini

    2_2: DISPOSABLE UNITS - DISPOSED UNITS OF LEAFS AND HOMO SAPIENS; ACTIVE LEAF UNITS AND A TINY SNAIL. Nature produces a lot of garbage: trees shed leaves every year; animals and plants are born, grow, reproduce and die, in a continuous cycle. We should not be ashamed of manufacturing disposable machines, nor should be afraid of our own death. Having a designed, finite lifespan is the natural golden standard since the advent of sexual reproduction and body metamorphosis. Despite the short lifespan of each unit, information acquired by each generation is transmitted, preserved, transformed and enlarged. Genotype is the time bridge for living beings; culture, language, books, ideas, standards, blueprints and code are the world of human ideas. Subject: Dead leaves of various trees, ivy (Hedera helyx) and other live trees, dead bodies of Homo sapiens (hidden, buried), one tiny snail of unidentified species. Lens: Wide Angle 10mm f/6.3 Theme 2: ONE SPECIFIC ANIMAL When thinking about nature, we picture something outside, separated from the human, artificial world made of roads, houses and cities. However we ourselves, as humans, are already inside nature, a part of it. Often artificial and natural are seen as opposite; but we are too the fruit of evolution; in our technological creations, natural materials - wood, leather, chemicals - have been and still are essentials. Our cities very well resemble very large termite nests, and we still rely critically, for the survival of the modern society, on our animal powers - reproduction, metabolism, thinking, immunity, hand-eye coordination. This series of images wish to provide technological inspiration to, and from, one specific animal: Homo sapiens. The initial plan was to take photos of technological creations - planes, ships, cranes, engines - together with their biological analogs, like seagulls, ducks, trees, inner organs; but the task revealed daunting, and seagulls really don’t want to align correctly (and dangerously) with a taking off plane. I reverted to the simpler, direct depiction of the source and maker of all artificial creations - our own human body, adult phenotype unit, between the many emerged from some billions years of evolution.



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