Hier Termine
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  • marie le moigne

    Diptych => Two photographs side by side tell a fictional and/or real story. They are arranged like an open book at the mercy of the public and the spectators. The writing and the image are articulated, differently stimulating the senses and therefore the imagination of the reader/spectator. I thus open up a space close to the self-portrait or the autobiography. An intimate and melancholy universe is offered to those who look at the series of images. The intimate is revealed. There is no frame, the body is offered as it is, without pageantry. The female body is revealed, spreads, time stands still and the landscape is transformed into intimate territories. Temporalities are dissolved. Poetic fragments are articulated with the photographs to create a new narrative. A diary opens. Hysteria in the photographic state -> Dive into the memory of the female body, the interior geography, my ceans. Murmurs escape from the room, the body escapes outside. It is a first-person story, an interior monologue. Hand written whispers. The written body.



Rennes, Ille-et-Vilaine, France

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