le bleu du ciel
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  • marie le moigne

    thinking of G. Bataille The verb to live is not so well seen since the words viveur and faire la vie are pejorative. If one wants to be moral, it is better to avoid all that is lively, because choosing life instead of just staying alive is nothing but debauchery and waste. At its simplest level, the Blue of the Sky reverses this cautious morality by depicting a character who exerts himself to the point of touching death through drinking, sleepless nights and sleeping around. This expenditure, voluntary and systematic, is a method which transforms perdition into knowledge and discovers the sky below. Faced with death, and knowing that nothing escapes it, there can be no serious question of "salvation", so the will to lose oneself is the only enlightening one - the only one from which a new sovereignty can arise. The Blue of the Sky describes the apprenticeship by stripping deep in each of us this cleft, which is the always latent presence of our own death. And what appears through the slit is the blue of a sky whose "impossible" depth calls us and refuses us as dizzily as our life calls and refuses its death.



Plobannalec-Lesconil, Finistère, France

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