Série|Coppistraße, Berlin


Série|Coppistraße, Berlin

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  • louisedesbiens

    What do we need to feel home? Coppistraße 14-24 10365 Berlin (Lichtenberg) I have always been fascinated by the theme of everyday life. The great thing about everyday photographs is that they give value and importance to things that would not have any at first glance. I focused on what the students value, what they put on display in their homes. Other people might judge these items as mundane or trivial ; but perhaps that’s where it’s interesting. Even more, how do they appropriate these spaces? How does the typical, already furnished apartment they rent become their place? What do we need to feel home? Série réalisée dans le cadre du Workshop de photographie "Everyday Matters", tenu par Zara Pfeifer Studio Everyday Matters - FG HEHL Insitut für Architektur, TU BERLIN WiSe 22/23



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