Mystère dans la forêt du Morvan


Mystère dans la forêt du Morvan

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  • alexis-hoang

    Winter December 2017 in the Morvan. Place of stories and legends; animal tales and edifying tales, pious legends and heroic legends, fairy tales and stories of devils, stories of wolves and bear stories, prayers and magic formulas, proverbs and sayings, riddles and formulas, hikes, speeches, good stories , compliments and songs. Monster of the Morvan or "The Sleeping Beast": Originally, the legend appears in the 50s; the very first text that speaks about it refers to the "Monster of Morvan" and date of 14 February 1951. It tells that a beast furrows the forests, crossing small villages and attacks the lonely people, and more often the girls. This text, which appears in a local newspaper, is not detailed, it is written in the category and is attached photos of 13 victims (including 11 girls) injured by multiple "scratches". In the years following the legend goes around the Morvan but no incident of this kind is repeated. It was in 1973 that the legend resurfaced. Teenagers have fun in the forest near the village of Corbigny when they fall on a kind of "" small cave embedded in the ground "". They hear a thud and approach after a few minutes of hesitation and discovers the beast, who sleeps. The sound of his snoring makes the building tremble in which the beast has been landing for a long time already. Teens are frightened and return to the village warning the villagers who decide to set up a fight. They find neither the cave nor the beast. In the following years several testimonials of walker relate the same fact: a small cave, a thud, a beast that sleeps and when we come back with reinforcements, nothing. And it is in 1979 during the second wave of attack (7 dead) that a police inspector, being obliged to take into consideration the potential existence of this beast, declares "in view of the various testimonies of these last years and from the tragedy of 1951, we will track this Sleeping Beast and settle this story once and for all. " From this moment the newspapers and all other writings relating this legend mentions either the Morvan Monster or The Sleeping Beast. The testimonies, even if they are numerous, describe almost always the same thing: a kind of human hairy about 2m50 with claws on the hands that gives off a strange smell of dried grass. Accurate but not very detailed; indeed the testimonies are those of the survivors, who were able to escape the beast and who therefore have not had time to see well (reminder: the beast attacks when the sun is down, or at least when it is at the lowest) and those who saw him in the forest, asleep. One of the testimonies stands out, it actually describes a kind of human being but with a wolf's head and an "empty look", this same witness claims that when he moves the nature around him becomes silent as if the animals, the wind were afraid of him. This testimony seems not to stand up especially since the witness is interned a few weeks after his testimony for psychological problem. Legend, reality, impostor? Since the 2000s no murder of this kind is deplored, no testimony of the dormant beast. But the fact is: dozens of accurate testimonies on the physical of the beast, murders explicable by the action of such a monster and a forest does not always hide a secret?



Côte-d'Or, France

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