
My name is Vincent Pflieger and I am a film photographer, born and raised in Paris. This is where I lived for 25 years. I moved to New York a year and a half ago to study journalism, and I'm now working as a photographer and videographer.
My passion for photography started when my dad gave me his old camera, a Yashica FX-D he used when he was a kid. It was actually the same camera that captured my first steps as a baby. I just tried this antiquity for fun, and actually liked it.
I had not discovered my aptitude and passion for photography until I had tried a film camera. Then, I started to shoot naturally on the streets of Paris, while walking to the school or to work, to a store or a café. As a student journalist, I was more attached to this field, trying to document the everyday life of a Parisian. I was particularly focused on what was going on around me on the streets, but the public spot I preferred the most was the Parisian metro, which I photographed a lot during the year 2014.
Then now, I'm a proud New Yorker. I feel lucky to be in a special place that inspired such great photographers, yet which is still inspiring new photographers.
I used to shoot both black & white (especially in Paris) and colors, but step-by-step, I preferred to shoot in colors only.
You can see a major part of my work by clicking on the links below.  
Instagram: @Streetadelic



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