
I’m Yuichi Yokota as a Professional Photographer in Tokyo,Japan.
I`m good at a bold and delicate photograph conveying a scale of beautiful nature.

I stayed in Finland for sightseeing public?relations for three months.
It was chosen from 4,000 people in the world.

I captured Beautiful Lapland’s Northern Lights,Landscapes,and more.
and, I won the Gord Prize of International Photography Awards last year.
Now,I'm participating in domestic and foreign sightseeing public?relations photography thanks to that.
(Finland,Bhutan,Japan,Malaysia and so on.)

Photography is my passion and I believe I can communicate to a wide audience with my images – without having to say a word.
My photos portray my inner feelings and the beautiful experiences I collect from around me.

International Photography Awards :

* IPA 2016 - 1st Prize Winner - Seasons Category
* IPA 2016 - Honorable Mention - Special : Travel/Tourism Category
* IPA 2016 - Honorable Mention - Nature : Seasons Category
* IPA 2016 - Honorable Mention - Nature : Sunset Category
* IPA 2016 - Honorable Mention - Special : Travel/Tourism Category
* IPA 2016 - Honorable Mention - Nature : Landscapes Category
* IPA 2015 - Honorable Mention - Special : Travel/Tourism Category
* IPA 2015 - Honorable Mention - Nature : Flowers Category



Ses coups de coeur wipplay


Winter Lights
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