
Virginie Pérocheau has been a freelance photographer since 2001, specialising in still life, object and decoration photography.

A graduate of the Ecole Nationale Supérieure Louis-Lumière in 1996, she works for various press, publishing and design companies. Her regular collaborations with very diverse clients (big brands, small designers, press and publishing...) allow her to adapt to different audiences and subjects.

Since 2017, she has been developing a work on Nature Mortes photography under the name "Experience végétale". Inspired by baroque and pictorial art, this work declines a particular attention to forms and colours accompanied by a light in chiaroscuro:
- Exploration and reinterpretation of the classic themes of still life painting: Dutch still life, white buffets, vanities...
- Research into poetic and fantastic plant scenes: Déjeuners du l'herbe, Tables végétales
- Portraits of plants, compositions...
- Professional collaborations: Atelier Noburu, Cecile Boccarat, Noëlla Staykova...

The series "Déjeuners sur l'herbe" (Lunch on the grass), was awarded at the festival of culinary photography in 2022.



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