El Volador
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  • Sven Delaye

    The Danza de los Voladores is an ancient Mesoamerican ritual still performed today in Mexico. It consists of dance and the climbing of a 30-meter pole from which four of the participants then launch themselves tied with ropes to descend to the ground, sometimes while playing a flute and a drum. According to a Totonac myth, the ritual was created to ask the gods to end a severe drought round 450 years ago. In Maya mythology, the creation of the world is associated with a bird deity (Itzamna) residing at the World Tree (the center of the world). Five "birdmen" at the top of a pole represent bird deities. The main dancer stands in the center and plays a flute, which represents the sound of birds singing. The four other "birdmen" (representing the four directions) spin around the pole to represent the recreation of the world and the regeneration of life.



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