
Sébastien RUIZ joined the Tara Ocean Foundation in August 2023 as General Secretary.

General Secretary of the agnès b. endowment fund from 2016 to 2023, he works closely with the Tara Ocean Foundation, in particular on the implementation of artistic actions to promote a commitment to the ocean. Giving people something to see means giving them the tools to understand our societies better; Sébastien RUIZ sees art as a shared experience that never keeps audiences at a distance. Solidarity, creativity, environmental protection and sharing are, for him, intimately linked commitments. Combining experience in the private sector and in public institutions, Sébastien Ruiz's career has also been marked by a desire to promote contemporary art and encourage the emergence of new artists.

Previously, Sébastien Ruiz was head of the Taschen bookshop in Paris, head of exhibitions at the Centre National des Arts Imprimés in Châtou, head of audiences at the Théâtre du Nord in Lille and director of the galerie du jour agnès b.

Sébastien Ruiz is a graduate of the University of Orléans.



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Recreating Hope
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