Dormeur d’altitude 1 - le repos du Géant


Dormeur d’altitude 1 - le repos du Géant

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  • S-Ji

    • d o r m e u r ^ d ’a l t i t u d e • portrait 1. By dint of ascent on the mountain roads of the Bernese Oberland, with the sun warming through the windows, turning the cheeks pink with their chubby faces alternately, sometimes to port, sometimes to starboard, to the rhythm of tight turns that cradled the bodies ... Sleep had seized them ... We stopped at the end of the road, surrounded on all sides by walls of granite and ice, the north face of the Eiger on the right ... Not the courage to wake them up. I then merged them into the landscape ... Let them participate. A few seconds between the two shots, interior vs immense skies, the apparent harshness of the peaks transformed into a soft cushion for sleeping little humans ...


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