
Their transdisciplinary, plastic and theoretical work is an observation of constructions, deconstructions, decentralisations and transformations of the human identity. Photography mixes with cinema, video, choreography, bio-art and the use of new technologies, which leads to collaborations with scientists and philosophers. The question of transitioning is a central element of their art practice, and is presented in its diverse shapes (identity, political, but also scientific and formal).

The spectral quality of their work, the magnetic presence of their characters and landscapes, as if they were existences of a new kind, at the edge of reality and science fiction, appear in all their deepness and beauty in SMITH's exhibitions, that work as independent micro-universes.

SMITH works and lives in Montreuil, France. Their work is represented by Galerie Les Filles du Calvaire and Spectre Production.



Ses coups de coeur wipplay





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