
Born in 1978 at Eséka, Cameroun, Rodrig Mbock is a photographer and instructor. He’s also the coordinator of the 4x4 project which aim at preparing for working in the photography world. He was trained in 2010 by the World Press Photo on the concept of photography for development. He’s also a graphist with a degree from the University of Rennes. Since 2015, Rodrigue Mbock is the artistic director of the Globule agency of Yaoundé and collaborates with NGOs on development projects. He was also a consultant for the World Bank, and for several missions with the AFD, the Agence Française de Développement. He dedicates his free time to training and artistic projects. Inspired by the society he lives in, he puts people in the center of his work by covering strong and committed social topics. For him, photography is a powerful communication tool which must be used not only in the publicity domain but also contribute to the construction and development of the African continent.


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