Un dernier adieu. Germanwings #4U9525

Ricardas Jarmalavicius

Un dernier adieu. Germanwings #4U9525

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  • Ricardas Jarmalavicius

    Tragic Germanwings flight 4U9525 Barcelona-Düsseldorf on 24th March 2015. Co-pilot deliberately crashed the plane into the French Alpes. 150 victims. I was one of the last to see passengers of this flight alive. Together with them I passed the security checkpoint at Barcelona Airport Terminal 2, Spain. One woman smiled at me, and I smiled back. I also got angry with one sluggish man. I think I even accidentally pushed his luggage on the conveyor belt. Like always, we were all in a hurry. And still, we carry on hurrying now. We forget to sincerely hug our beloved ones for goodbye. We don’t know yet, that every hug can be the last. I got the idea to take this symbolic photo few months later when I traveled again from the same airport and saw this touching advertisement. Barcelona Airport Terminal 2, 2015. iPhone 6 Plus



El Prat De Llobregat, Barcelona, Spain

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