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Colombia is a country with a very high feminicide rate. As an example, the country was able to register more than 300 feminicides in 6 months in 2020, without counting the more than 16000 women in the same period who suffered from intra-family violence. Consistently, Colombia can be qualified as a country with an "assasin" culture coupled with "machismo". However, there are a number of resilient women, some of whom are discreet, others who express themselves much more, but in both cases, they fight every day for a place equivalent to that of their fellow human beings in society. So I wanted to meet some of them in Medellin, from all generations and social classes, from all backgrounds and stories. Their names are Marta, Estefania, Claudia, Gloria, Michel, Neyson, Helena and Maria Lucila. Each of them represents a powerful female figure in their neighborhood, their city and even at the national level. Some are great artists, others community leaders, references in their fields. One of them is even involved in politics with Estamos Listas, the first political movement composed of Colombian women in all their diversity; women from all regions of the country and from 20 countries of the Colombian diaspora. Through each of them, I wanted to enhance the image of the Colombian woman, too often stereotyped as a sexy woman, as an easy woman or venal and unstable. The women I met confided in me in video, they spoke for thousands of others and used photography as a tool for free expression. Each of them carried a message of resilience and love but also of firm demands for the country and the world. The women I wanted to meet in this part of the project "La Vida Real", may represent by their commitment, their history, their art or their beauty, a mother I would never recognize. Indeed, I am not lucky enough to have photos of my mother, to not remember her voice, to not know the smell of her skin, quite simply, my mother is a formidable stranger. I often say that my story is linked to the country's, the narcotraffic, the civil war, the poverty, the lack of prevention for contraception, a cocktail leaving a whole generation at the mercy of many traffics. But one question will always be asked among many others, a hypothesis, certainly but a credible one. What if my story was linked to a feminicide?