
Pierre Bellemare started working in a small radio production company 1947 called Radio Service, where he learned sound recording and broadcasting. In 1954 he began a career as a TV host and then ran the show: Vous êtes formidable on Europe 1 radio. In 1956 he hosted the TV show La Tête et les Jambes.
He then hosted numerous TV shows: La caméra invisible, Tous pour un, Entrez sans frapper, Au nom de l'amour, Pas une seconde à perdre, En toutes lettres, and radio shows : Déjeuner show, Les dossiers extraordinaires, Le Sisco, La grande Corbeille, Vingt millions cash. Since 1974 he has been publishing each year a collection of extraordinary stories.
Pierre's two passions are boats and the sea. He now lives in the Perigord area where he collects popular art.els. Pierre has 2 passions, the sea and the boats. He knows lives in the Perigord area where he collects popular arts items.



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