
Patrick Messina was born in 1967. After graduating from the Louis Lumière College, he published his first portraits on commission for Libération, Le Monde, Télérama, Les Inrockuptibles and The Financial Times. Whether working in editorial, advertising or corporate photography, Patrick Messina has established his own personal grammar. Through a magnifying glass, he examines, sublimates and questions the references of our mass-mediatized world. His recent personal work, of urban landscapes of New York, Paris, Hong-Kong, and of rural landscapes in Iceland, Brittany, and South Africa, establish Patrick Messina as an artist who renders an intimate experience of spaces. Patrick Messina published a new book, Wayfaring, in April 2013, a photographic fiction mingling landscapes and portraits. This project was supported by a grant from the Hermès Foundation. An exhibition will open at the TH13 Gallery in Bern, Switzerland, which will travel to other cities. He is one of the four founders of the France Liquid Territory mission, a collective research project on French territory that began in 2011 and was conducted under the artistic direction of Paul Wombell. The ensemble was the subject of a publication of a film and exhibitions.

His work is present in public collections (BNF-FRAC Brittany) and private (Hermès, Société Générale).



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