
Olena Havrylchyk is an economics professor at the University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne and founder and director of the Master’s degree “Finance Technology Data”. She is also a consultant for the OECD in the domain of financial regulations, in Fintech and the GAFAM entries in the financial services. She lead the research in the Bank of England as well as in the various Central Banks, in foreign universities and centres of research. Her works study the interaction between technology and financial intermediation, particularly for crowdlending and crypto-active platforms. Olena has published in the Review of Finance, the Journal of Banking and Finance as well as in other academic reviews. She has received the best article prize at the First Toronto FinTech Conference in 2018, the SAB 2013 trophy for sustainable finance and the Olga Radzyner prize - 2011 for her research work on the European economic integration. originally from Ukraine, Olena Havrylchyk obtained her doctorate in economics from the European University of Viadrina in Germany. 



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