
Nicolas Soulabail thinks of himself as a stain which has appeared as if by chance, like a drop of ink. Splash! He would like to at least choose, if possible, where he will splatter and the quality of his splash. 
In 2003 he created inkOj, which means "ink" in Esperanto, as a way to imagine that everything is possible. He is an interior architect and visual artist whose interest lies in observation, questioning, images, drawing, staging and museography. Paris, Tours, Poitiers, paper, asphalt, tablet, museum, castle, church, private, shop, community. What matters is sharing!
In 2010, he conceived and opened, together with his companion Aurélia, a new concept boutique, Un Zèbre au Grenier (a Zebra in the Attic), a space that combines vintage and designer clothes, toys and books for children.


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