
To help combat climate change and promote virtuous new models for our cities and regions, Nicolas RÉGNIER has founded the Ville de Demain* association, the benchmark incubator for Urban Innovation based at Station F.

Its aim is to bring together the public and private players who imagine and build territories across the sector's entire value chain, to have a positive impact on the environment and society. In particular, Ville de Demain supports innovative initiatives in their development and scaling-up.

Nicolas RÉGNIER previously set up several companies in the field of sustainable engineering and finance applied to real estate, as well as in the digital transformation of the construction industry.
Involved in various professional organisations in the sector, he is a member of the Board of Directors of the HQE-GBC Alliance** and teaches at the Ecole des Ingénieurs de la Ville de Paris.

* Ville de Demain is a non-profit association under the French law of 1901. For more information, visit

** The Alliance HQE-GBC is the French chapter of the World Green Building Council. A not-for-profit association under the law of 1901, it is the owner of the HQE (High Environmental Quality) mark for buildings, and of the INIES database, the national reference database for environmental and health data on construction products and equipment.



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