
Portrait ©Marie Gruel
Born in 1981
Lives and works in Paris.
After studying photography and multimedia at University Paul-Valéry Montpellier and Université Paris 8, Nicolas Dhervillers became reknowned with an historic commission for the Centre Pompidou in Metz. Inspired by cinematic, theatrical and pictorial writing, Nicolas Dhervillers’s approach decompartmentalizes the photographic medium.
Nicolas Dhervillers is represented in Paris by School Gallery. He is also represented in Paris by the famous Dilecta for his pastels and drawings. 

He has collaborated with french art centers and international museums. He has been invited and has exhibited in solo shows in Switzerland, Germany, Korea, China, the Netherlands and the USA. For the last 5 years, he has participated at several fairs : Paris Photo, Photo Basel, Art Basel Miami and Art Paris with various galleries. In 2012, he was exhibited at the festival «Mono», collatéral event part of the documenta 13.
In 2012, on the occasion of Paris Photo, the Gemeentemuseum Helmond has acquired 4 photographs of Nicolas Dhervillers its collection. In 2014 and 2015, Dhervillers has shown his works in Australia and in Belgium during Triennial “Photography and Architecture”.
In 2017, his work was exhibited in Kansas City, Missouri in two different galleries. Also, the show « Detachment » was exhibited in the Fondation Louis Moret in Switzerland. 
During these five last years, Dhervillers has also experimented different approachs creating unique pieces : drawings, inks, engravings and he had the pleasure to exhibit these researchs in international art fairs like Art Geneva and solo shows in Paris and Lille, in 2019 and 2020.

The work of Nicolas Dhervillers is included in numerous private and public collections: Dam Museum of contemporary Art collection, Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Collection FMAC, Fonds Municipal d’art contemporain de la ville de Paris, Gemeentmuseum Helmond, Fondation Delsemme, Musee d’art du Valais, Fond de dotation Agnès B, Collection Raymond Weill, Collection Pullman, Collection Lazare, Kroot collection.


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