
Natalia Turine was born on February 16, 1964 in Germany. Its main activity since 2003 is photography. Often linked to the narrative, she defines her approach in one word: SHORTPHOTOGRAPHY, in reference to the symbolism of the short film. She lives and works in Paris today. In parallel with her television activities, Natalia Turine is known as a feather woman with her provocative articles and her short stories, notably with L'Oiseau singer in Citizen K russe. She regularly publishes in the Russian-language literary magazine SNOB and starts publishing her photographs in these same magazines. In 2013 she participated in the collection 12 months with eleven renowned writers including Limonov, Petrushevskaya, Tolstaia, Granine and Prilepine. Natalia and Alexandra Capton, director of Louison Editions have just announced the purchase of the Globe bookstore. The publisher specializing in contemporary Russian literature takes over an establishment founded in 1952, dedicated himself to this literature.


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