
Portrait © Inanis Photographe


Marc Mauillon performs lyrical bass and baritone roles: Papageno, Bobinet (La Vie parisienne), Mercure (Orphée aux Enfers), le Mari (Les Mamelles de Tirésias - Poulenc), Momo (Orfeo - Rossi), La Haine (Armide - Lully), Tisiphone (Hippolyte et Aricie), Sorceress (Dido and Aeneas), Raulito (Cachafaz - Strasnoy), the title roles of Egisto (Cavalli), Orfeo (Monteverdi), Pelléas (Debussy). In concert, he sings motets (Charpentier, Lully, Rameau, Desmarest, Campra, Couperin), madrigals (Monteverdi, Gesualdo), cantatas (Bach, Handel, Vivaldi, Telemann, Monteclair, Clérambault).

Winner of the Jardin des Voix 2002, he works with W. Christie, M. Minkowski, R. Pichon, C. Rousset, A. Altinoglu, J. Savall, V. Dumestre, H. Niquet, E. Haïm, L. Campellone, M. Pascal, G. Jourdain, and the directors L. Hemleb, D. Warner, B. Lazar, I. Alexandre, R. Carsen, J. Mijnssen. In recital, he performs with P. Hamon, the harpist A. Mauillon, G. Coppola (Poulenc / Éluard), A. Le Bozec (The musicians of the Great War, Fauré and his poets), and has recorded the Lessons of Ténèbres de Lambert (2018). In 2016, he created the Songline recital. He has been teaching the interpretation of secular medieval music at the Sorbonne since 2018. This season, he takes over the role of Cythéron (Platée) in Vienna, sings Pelléas in Toulouse, les Trois Contes (G. Pesson) in Rouen and will release a record around poems by the Countess de la Suze. Member of the new Favart troupe, he sang in numerous productions at the Opéra Comique, notably Vénus et Adonis (2012), Platée (2014), Les Fêtes Vénitiennes (2015), Alcione (2017), Miranda (2017), and in recital with L. Desandre (2017). He will be Monteverdi’s Orfeo in June 2021 with J. Savall.


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