
Manuela Pfrunder, born at 25th of March 1979 in Lucerne (Switzerland), is Graphic Designer since 2000 (graduated from Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts and Zurich University of the Arts) and she is designer of the new series of Swiss banknotes (2005–2017).

Adrian Heuberger, born at 21th of June 1977 in Wil SG (Switzerland), is Conceptual Designer and Copywriter since 2005 (graduated from Zurich University of the Arts) and he is responsible for the concept and public relations of the new series of Swiss banknotes at Gestaltung Manuela Pfrunder GmbH (2005–2017).

Gestaltung Manuela Pfrunder GmbH is an independent and neutral company unassociated with any security printer or central bank. Gestaltung Manuela Pfrunder GmbH is a Limited Liability Company according to the Swiss Civil Code of Obligations. The company’s team consists mainly of graphical artists and designers. Gestaltung Manuela Pfrunder GmbH is a member of the IBDA (International Banknote Designers Association) as well as of the DNS (Design Network Switzerland).



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