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Storms accompanied by strong winds can produce waves on the Lake Léman in Switzerland, for the biggest pleasure of a small community of kitsurfers and a few surfers. Conditions of lake surfing are not the same as on ocean. When this occurs over a lake, the waves subside relatively quickly. This means lake surfers have a shorter window of opportunity to surf ideal waves. In addition to making it more difficult to manage surfboards, Swiss high winds can make the face of a wave and water surface rough. The surface water temperature, when I took these pictures, occurred averages between 7 and 8 °C. But putting on the wetsuit, carrying the board to the water, paddling out, feeling the earth fall out from under us, sitting, waiting and watching the kitesurfers catching waves, while the unique surfer is waiting for the wave, is the hard way from surfing on a Lake. Pop-up! Get up! Eyes up! Catch the wave! Surf! Series of photos taken with my drone, won with Wipplay, on March 2019, above the Lake Léman in Versoix, Switzerland.