
Taking photography to a whole new level (what else?), Lucas Zimmermann is of course a self taught photographer. His photographic vision is part of a minimalist research about light and colour. Interested in long-term projects where he chooses to have a cinematic approach to illustrate his concepts. He is currently living, studying and trying to ski in Weimar, Germany.

He also has a Cactus named Rupert.


2012 Streets, Beijing
2014 Bauhaus Essentials, Weimar
2014 Geschossen+Gedruckt , Lüdenscheid
2014/15 Galerie Sakura, Paris
2014 Photoarts Gallery, Sao Paulo
2016 Gallerie GEO, Norway
2016 Theprintspace gallery, London
2017 Line Gallery, London


2014 Scars - "Grafe Kreativpreis"
2014 Traffic lights - "Geschossen+Gedruckt" nominee
2014 Backstreet Beijing - "Geschossen + Gedruckt" nominee



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Winter Lights
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