Each and Every Day
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  • Lucas ROCHET

    Each and every day. With or without you. For a moment or for eternity, these shots will remain frozen. At dusk you watch me sleep, at dawn I examine the first rays of the sun caressing your skin. In full morning reading I glance over your shoulder; in the light of dawn you dream of me. Naked and sitting on the windowsill you look into the distance; leaning against the radiator I think of you. On Sunday, you grumble because I am active; when I wake up, I tolerate that you smoke your cigarettes. Collocation or common life, our apartment wants to be shared. Friends or lover, the moments we live in are like time. She is him. He is She. Passionate or platonic, our relationship remains very strange. And yet we are only at the beginning ... This is to show a photographic series that talks about concessions: accepting that the woman gets up early in the morning and that we leave her alone because she needs to wake up gently in front of a good book accompanied by a cup of coffee ; accept that Madame smokes her cigarette so early in the morning, that Monsieur - a maniac - activates on Sundays to clean up, restore order, put away the disorder caused by the evening before (before possibly going to get him croissants) ; accept that the lover hangs out in bed in the morning while the widow, pregnant with the boy whom she will give birth to in a few months of her recent and deceased husband, accept that his future wife gets up early because she cannot sleep (too bothered or in a position too uncomfortable for her in bed), ... in short, getting along or listening to each other, whatever: the partners of a couple will one day look together in the same direction.



Lyon, Rhône, France

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