
Laurent Laveder is a professional photographer living in Brittany (France). He's also an amateur astronomer and a scientist. So it's not a surprise if he is specialized in sky photography. But instead of using telescope, he prefers to use wide field lens to capture the sky with a terrestrial landscape in the foreground. He has received several awards for his photos, some of them in international contests.
He is a member of The World At Night, an international team which gather some of the best landscape astrophotographers.
With his girlfriend Sabine, they are leading a project called "Moon games" in which a character, most of the time Sabine, is interacting with the Moon. This series is now world famous, thanks to Internet, and especially social networks.
He wrote three books. The first one "Le ciel, un jardin vu de la Terre" has been published by Belin editor in 2008 and received an astronomy book award in 2009. This book explains what you can see in the sky with your naked-eyes and is illustrated by 200 of his photos. The second one, "Quartier libre", has been published by Sabine and Laurent in 2010. It gathers 19 Moon photos, mostly Moon games ones, which have inspired 19 different authors who wrote a small text. The last one “A shower of Stars in Brittany” (published by Locus Solus) is in French and English. It gathers 60 large nightscape panoramas.
Since 3 years, he has a shop in the heart of Quimper (Brittany) where he explains and sells his nightscapes and Moon games prints.


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