
Laurence Finance, general heritage curator, is the City of Architecture and Heritage since July 2009 after being curator of the gallery of murals and stained glass she assured the leadership of the Museum of French Monuments September 2010 in August 2014. She specializes in the history of stained glass and is co-curator of the exhibition Chagall, Soulages, Benzaken ... The contemporary stained glass window, which opens to the City May 20, 2015. She began her career at the Corpus Vitrearum research team as part of a partnership the Ministry of Culture / CNRS and participated in the study and publication of the first four volumes of the Census of ancient stained glass windows France. In 1993, she joined the service of the general inventory of cultural heritage to the Drac Ile-de-France as head of the heritage study of several municipalities of Hauts-de-Seine and publishes a picture of Heritage about the town Clamart. She is also the author of the route of the Heritage Sainte-Chapelle, City Palace, and a heritage of Light 1830-2000, in the collection of heritage Cahiers synthesis on the windows of the small crown Paris (2003). Lately, she has written with Pascal Liévaux, Chief heritage curator, head of research at the Ministry of Culture and Communication, the National Vocabulary Ornament, published in n ovember 2014 to heritage editions, continuing Vocabulary architecture written by JM Perugia Montclos.


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