Exiled to Belgium, Julie Birmant became director in the prestigious film school of Bruxelles, Insas, and took this opportunity to make documentaries about scientific vulgarizations in the RTBF et to co-direct a number of journal issue Alternatives Théâtrales, known by enthusiasts.
Back to France after a period spent in Japon, she worked as free-lance journalist for France-Culture (theater chroniques for Lucien Attoun, reports in « Carnet Nomade »), she became a playwright et writer for a few theater festivals as « Passages » in Nancy and Paris Quartier d’été, and became documentary productor in France-Culture (in « Surpris par la nuit » from Alain Veinstein).
Directed by Catherine Meurisse, her first scenario of comic strip, « Drôles de femmes « , told the story of out of women including Yolande Moreau, Anémone, Amélie Nothomb and Dominique Lavanant (Dargaud in 2010).
With « Pablo » which traces the youth of Picasso, she worked with Clément Oubrerie for the first time, and probably not the last.