Photographer since the 2000s, Jérômine Derigny focuses on social and humanistic themes. She works on sustainable futures, generating social bonds, in France and around the world. Member of the Argos Collective since 2006, she focuses on environmental issues such as the ecological transition in the world, or the monopolisation of the oceans. This work is exhibited in large format and edited during international events such as the COPs or the forthcoming IUCN congress, contributing to raising public awareness of environmental issues. Connecting the local to the global is a constant concern in Jérômine Derigny’s work: she shows through the subjects she chooses the impact of man’s action on himself, and on the relationship he creates with his own environment. From then on, she poses the question of how man can be an actor in his environment.
Jérômine Derigny has been working in particular for several years on the changes in the territory in the Greater Paris area. From the Petite Ceinture to the outskirts of the Greater Paris, she is questioning the place of the pedestrian, animal and plant in a megalopolis in transformation.
All these reflections on the mutations and major challenges of this world, whether they are linked to the climate or to urban planning, or at least anthropogenic.