
Jennifer is VP of Marketing at MPB, the world’s largest online platform for used photography and videography equipment.

She has more than 15 years of international Marketing experience in building brands and campaigns for agencies and start ups with focus on education, technology, fashion and sustainability.

As a lover of photography she has been in the Jury for various global photography prizes, like the BBA photography Award.

2 HEURES Howard Phillips a suivi colorjunkie
2 HEURES Howard Phillips a suivi colorjunkie
2 HEURES Howard Phillips a suivi colorjunkie
2 HEURES Howard Phillips a suivi colorjunkie
2 HEURES Howard Phillips a suivi colorjunkie
2 HEURES Howard Phillips a suivi colorjunkie
2 HEURES Howard Phillips a suivi colorjunkie
2 HEURES Howard Phillips a suivi colorjunkie
2 HEURES Howard Phillips a suivi colorjunkie
2 HEURES Howard Phillips a suivi colorjunkie


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